Mark 3:13-19. People matter to God. He knows. He cares. He calls. People are called by God. That is how he works and always has. First he called the Prophets,…

John 11. I am the Resurrection and the Life. Jesus came in love and grace to save us from our sins and from the ultimate result of sin – Death….
Galatians 6:2. Jesus called out to the weary and heavy-laden, and invited them to Him to take away their burdens. He still does! Yet there is a mystery in that…
Galatians 5:24-26. We are called not to pull others away from God but to push them towards Him. To get out of their way of their contribution, their worship and…
Galatians 5:26. That feeling you can get when you hear your friend has received a promotion and pay rise at work. That time when your colleague was given a parking…
John 10. I am the Good Shepherd. The people of Israel, like the people of Wales were familiar with sheep. Abraham, Moses, David were shepherds and God called them to…
Proverbs 12:25.The church is called to the distribution centre for the full spectrum of hope.
Philippians 3:13-17. We were made to grow physically, spiritually and emotionally.
John 8. Grace for Sinners. The Woman caught in Adultery. The uniqueness of Christianity is GRACE. All other religions offer a way to earn approval but Grace says God loves…