What to expect
Your Sunday afternoon starts here!
If driving, follow the signs to our dedicated parking space behind Matthew’s House, and take a short walk over the grass and through the back entrance. If you’re on foot or need wheelchair access, use the left front gate and come on around to the back of the building, where a friendly face will welcome you at the rear door. Feel free to grab a coffee and have a chat before the host announces the start of the meeting.
After a brief welcome from the front, the children (JAM, age 4-11) and youth (RIOT, 12-18, every second week) will be invited to go out to their own space for a dedicated time together of fun and learning appropriate for their age.
Back in the adult meeting, the speaker for the afternoon will then give a relevant, Bible-based talk for 30 minutes or so. This is followed by around 30 minutes of worship led by musicians. You are most welcome to sing along, or watch and listen if you’d prefer. Coffee and refreshments will be available after the meeting along with lots of friendly people to chat to! The whole meeting lasts around an hour and a half.
Please be assured that the church is financed by regular giving from its members and therefore, as a guest, you will not be asked for money, nor will there be an offering plate passed around.
We’d love to have you! And we promise you a friendly and welcoming experience!

Matthew’s House – where to find us and where to park (What3words: young.oiled.slam)

School Year 7 and above. RIOT is our church youth group and stands for ‘Righteous In Our Time’. That is our vision for our young people! RIOT is led by an excellent team of people who really relate well to this age group. They usually meet together every second Sunday during the church meeting, and for other fun socials around about once a month (Lazerzone, trampolining, milkshakes, bon fires on the beach and more!). Look out for details in our quarterly Welcome Leaflet for upcoming events!

Reception to end of Year 6. JAM is our kids’ ministry and stands for ‘Jesus and Me’. We aim for this group to be fun, fast-paced and full of Jesus! We have a dedicated and growing team of church members serving in this area every Sunday, all with necessary clearances and a huge passion for Jesus!

Babies and Pre-school age children. Creche is for parents who have little ones of pre-school age. Feel free to drop off your children at The Lounge with our dedicated creche team and enjoy the meeting. The Lounge is a secure, warm and fun space which is close by, and our team will call you if they need you. All team members are subject to clearances as per our child protection policy.